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Sunday, April 25, 2010

March for Babies 2010

We couldn't have asked for more beautiful weather for our walk yesterday.  When all was said and done, we turned in $1098 in donations.  A big thank you to all who generously donated to our cause - I could not be happier with how much money we raised!!  Overall, it was a good day, but the underlying reason for being there just sucks ass.  Next year we will walk in memory of Gracie and all of her angel friends, and in honor of her little brother or sister and all babies born with and without health and life challenges - and we hope to raise even more money and have even more people walking with us!  Below are a few pictures from our day.

 Jeff, Susan, our little friend Lauren, Jeff's dad Bob, Jeff's mom Libby, our friend Terri, Susan's dad Luke and Susan's step-mom Rose

 Our goodie bags had frisbees in them - Lauren talked Jeff into playing Frisbee after the walk while we were waiting for lunch.