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Sunday, April 18, 2010

17.5 Week Update

Hello all.  Some little updates at this point, but nothing major.  I am pretty sure that I have been feeling movement for about a week or so, which is kind of exciting.  Right on cue, the Braxton Hicks contractions have also begun.  This is about when they started with Gracie, so it appears that my uterus has not lost any of its 'sensitivity'.  Aside from this, nothing new to report.  We are just anxiously waiting for our ultrasound on May 6th; we are very anxious to see the health of Jellybean's cardiac structure and function, but we are also anxious to find out whether we will be welcoming a Beano or a Beana.

Next Saturday is our March for Babies.  So far, our team is 8 members strong - me, Jeff, Luke, Rose, Bob, Libby, our friend Terri and our little friend Lauren.  So far, our team has raised just over $700 for the March of Dimes; I am hoping to hit the $900 mark by Saturday.  If you would like to sign up to walk with us or donate $5 or $10 toward our team, you can follow this link.  Team Gracibelle - March for Babies


The Hopeful Elephant said...

oooh! little updates are just as welcome as big ones (because it lets me know you're ok!)

Hugs...and good Luck with the walk! We are doing the one here too!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear all is well!! We will be thinking of you on Saturday!! Lisa