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Friday, July 2, 2010

28 Week Update

Thursday was our 28 week appointment for Beana.  Everything is looking great as this point.  Here are some details:
  • Fasting blood glucose was perfect; 1 hour glucose results not in before I left, but not expected to show anything surprising.
  • Iron levels are fantastic
  • No protein detected in my urine
  • Remainder of the blood work looked good - this included kidney panels, liver panels and some other random stuff that they look at a little later in pregnancy.
  • Blood pressure is still good
  • Belly measurements were exactly where they should be for 28 weeks
  • Beana's heart rate was measured at 140 in the morning and 138 in the afternoon.
  • Estimated weight of the Bean was 2 lbs, 11 oz.  This means she has doubled in size from her last estimate 4 weeks ago (1 lb, 5 oz.).  This estimated weight puts her in the 61st percentile for growth/weight.  Although it's just an estimate, it's very exciting stuff for us since she was in the 39th percentile a month ago!!!!
  • Blood flow through the umbilical cord was "excellent", size and health of the placenta appeared to be "excellent" and the volume of amniotic fluid was "excellent".  Cord flow and placental size/health are again big things for us at this point.
We have been going back and forth between two due dates; it was decided that 9/23 will be our official estimated due date.  We will have another midwife appointment on Friday morning, July 16th, at which point we will finalize the plan for non-stress testing and ultrasounds beginning at 32 weeks.  We will be taking Bean on her first trip to NYC after this appointment.  :-)    Our next appointment with the Maternal Fetal Medicine docs is Thursday, July 29th.

Bean was a very busy girl during the ultrasound and did not cooperate much in holding still for measurements and pictures, but we did get this picture to share...for those who cannot figure it out, both of her hands are up to the bottom of her chin.  


Anonymous said...

YEAH :) Jen

Keith said...

61st percentile, huh? Defintitely Jeff's kid!

Thinking of you always.

Anonymous said...

Great news. Keeping you and Jeff in my thoughts and prayers.

Kim said...

This is fantastic! I'll keep praying!

Anonymous said...

Gracie is surely watching over her little sister and Mommie and Daddie, adn a dancer, my favorite program DWTS..my thoughts are many and my prayers forever...love ya..marylouise