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Saturday, March 6, 2010


I saw Dr. Redcay yesterday for my physical yesterday.  Not necessarily an appointment that anyone looks forward to, but it turned out to be a really good appointment.   We were able to hear Jellybean's heart beat with the doppler yesterday, which was a pleasant surprise.  Heart rate was a nice, strong 160 beats per minute. 

We had only met with Dr. Redcay for about 5 minutes during our pregnancy with Gracie, so I wasn't sure what to expect.  I had really good conversation with her yesterday about Gracie, as well as this pregnancy.  During our appointment with Dr. S. it was more or less decided that I would be seen every two weeks until 30 weeks.  Dr. Redcay gave me the option of every two weeks or every four weeks.  She said that most times, appointments are set every two weeks more for peace of mind of the expectant parents than anything else.  Because my schedule is so crazy between now and the first week of June, and because this isn't the period of time that we really need extra peace of mind, I elected to schedule the next two appointments four weeks apart.  That leaves our appointment line up looking like this ... Monday, March 15th - Ultrasound as part of the 1st trimester screen; Monday, April 5th - midwife appointment; Tuesday May 4th - 20 week ultrasound and midwife appointment. 

All continues to be well at this point and there is really nothing else to report at this point.  Thanks for checking in!!


Keith, Christine, and Austin said...

Good news...thanks again for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that all is well!! Hope you are feeling good!!

Anonymous said...

That last comment was from me Susan...forgot to sign my name!! Gotta love that mommy brain!!Anyway, keep the updates coming and hope you feel good! Take care, Lisa